About this GNM Site

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About this GNM Site

This is an out-of-the-box approach to symptoms, inspired by the work of the late Dr.R.G.Hamer.  With his discovery of German New Medicine many have come to appreciate the laws of Nature in this regard and how to respect them. In other words, we are reacting to our surroundings in a manner put in place by nature, a pre-programmed response.

The Five Biological Laws of Nature are included on this site as a referral to symptoms you may experience. Symptoms, as they unfold will be in part of one or more of these laws. A symptom initially begins with The First Law and is governed by the following four.

Please be aware that the information contained here is by no means a complete compilation of all involved in a German New Medicine experience, but it does give some idea as to how the psyche, the brain, and corresponding organ may interpret an event.

It is the hope that you can deepen your awareness of your body’s messages here;  the ‘Raving Results’ discusses some of the most common testimonials. It is likely that your frustration has prompted you to reach out for a better understanding of your symptoms. If you need additional help to proceed, feel free to connect.

Disclaimer:   German New Medicine (GNM) can be a great adjunct to your physicians diagnosis, and your own body awareness. It is important to consult a physician for any symptoms that may be cause for concern or any serious medical conditions.